Sunday, 20 February 2011

Sporting Life Magazine

Hey, welcome to our blog, a special welcome to our six new followers.
We are currently experiencing malicious Spamming of our blog.
Firstly we have a blogger who insists on advertising his/her blog in our comments box, we delete these as spam and if they continue we will sadly have to suspend that facility for the time being. Now, for a second time a spammer has declared the blog unsafe. When you click to enlarge pictures a fierce notice appears. Please use the option on the notice to report us as NOT being unsafe. Google have their own policing system and would have deleted us if we were unsafe.
Less than 245 hours left to vote in our poll, so if you haven't done so please vote while you are here.
Coming up "Baseball Caps 'n Balls"
Have a great weekend. Cheers. Paul


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