Sunday, 13 February 2011

2 Step Program

I survived.

To bring you up to date, there was quite an extended time that I didn't speak to Ross. I'm still dumbfounded as to how quickly things changed. It went from amazing one week, to god-awful the next. Well, not even god-awful. There just wasn't any communication, but it wasn't due to a fight, a remark, or anything. It was due to ...him being busy.

I kick myself for allowing myself to fall for all that again. It dawned on me, during the time on my blog when I was re-posting some old blog postings. The post of the day was about how Ross and I broke up. How we weren't there was little was confused..and upset. Sound familiar? Yes it did. But, it all happened in May of 2009, not May 2010. Someone remarked how they were confused, and confused they should have been. It was history repeating itself. I know I was stupid. First step is admitting it, right?

I was stupid yes, but I did gain something: 6 months or so of happiness. When I was back with Ross, things were great. But I did feel used..although I know it doesn't make sense..I felt that Ross befriended me again back then because he wanted company on one of his upcoming business trips. Find something positive in it..that's got to be healthy...step two.


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